The Law of Torts (Examples & Explanations) by Joseph W. Glannon
The Law of Torts (Examples & Explanations) by Joseph W. Glannon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A favorite among successful students, and often recommended by professors, the unique Examples & Explanations series gives you extremely clear introductions to concepts followed by realistic examples that mirror those presented in the classroom throughout the semester. Use at the beginning and midway through the semester to deepen your understanding through clear explanations, corresponding hypothetical fact patterns, and analysis. Then use to study for finals by reviewing the hypotheticals as well as the structure and reasoning behind the accompanying analysis. Designed to complement your casebook, the trusted Examples & Explanations titles get right to the point in a conversational, often humorous style that helps you learn the material each step of the way and prepare for the exam at the end of the course.The unique, time-tested Examples & Explanations series is invaluable to teach yourself the subject from the first day of class until your last review before the final. Each guide:
- helps you learn new material by working through chapters that explain each topic in simple language
- challenges your understanding with hypotheticals similar to those presented in class
- provides valuable opportunity to study for the final by reviewing the hypotheticals as well as the structure and reasoning behind the corresponding analysis
- quickly gets to the point in conversational style laced with humor
- remains a favorite among law school students
- is often recommended by professors who encourage the use of study guides
- works with ALL the major casebooks, suits any class on a given topic
- provides an alternative perspective to help you understand your casebook and in-class lectures
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