Senin, 28 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ George Bernard Shaw's Plays (Norton Critical Editions) by George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw's Plays (Norton Critical Editions) by George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw's Plays (Norton Critical Editions)

George Bernard Shaw's Plays (Norton Critical Editions) by George Bernard Shaw PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This collection presents a cross-section of Shaw's most important theater work―Mrs. Warren's Profession, Man and Superman, Major Barbara, and Pygmalion.

Each play is fully annotated.

"Contexts and Criticism" features all-new material on the author and his work, from traditional critical readings to more theorized approaches, among them essays on Shaw's Fabianism and his alleged feminism.  Contributors include Leon Hugo, Sally Peters, Tracy C. Davis, John A. Bertolini, Stanley Weintraub, and J. Ellen Gainor.

A Chronology and a Selected Bibliography are included.

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