Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Legion of Super-Heroes - Archives, Volume 10 (DC Archive Editions) by E. Nelson Bridwell, Cary Bates

Legion of Super-Heroes - Archives, Volume 10 (DC Archive Editions) by E. Nelson Bridwell, Cary Bates

Legion of Super-Heroes - Archives, Volume 10 (DC Archive Editions)

Legion of Super-Heroes - Archives, Volume 10 (DC Archive Editions) by E. Nelson Bridwell, Cary Bates PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The 10th Legion of Super-Heroes volume in DC's invaluable Archive Editions series catches the Legion in a period of transition in the early 1970s.The LSH was relegated to seven-page stories in the back of Superboy's comic (and not even every issue), and because that's not the ideal format to cover 30 heroes, most of the stories concentrate on a couple Legionnaires. Soon the Legion became popular enough that the title eventually became Superboy Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes, and the issues in this volume do contain a number of milestones of Legion lore. Wildfire makes his debut as an applicant named ERG-1 in issue #195, Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel get married in issue #200, and then there were the sexy new costumes, including Saturn Girl's pink bikini and Phantom Girl's bell bottoms. The 232-page book includes biographies of the creative talent (including one-shot inker Mike Grell, who would go on to make his own mark on the Legion) and a nice introduction by the artist who grew up on the Legion during this period, Dave Cockrum, before he went on to help reinvent the X-Men.--David Horiuchi

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