Commercial Fraud in Civil Practice by Paul McGrath QC
Commercial Fraud in Civil Practice by Paul McGrath QC PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book draws together the disparate areas of the law that must be considered by commercial fraud litigators making a single and accessible reference source for practitioners and scholars.The book is comprehensive and practical, focusing on civil law claims and remedies. It covers all aspects of international commercial fraud litigation, ranging from conflict laws, pre-emptive remedies (e.g. freezing orders, interim receivers, Norwich Pharmacal Orders), to tracing assets.
The work also covers substantive claims in areas such as trusts/equity, contract, tort, restitution, company law and insolvency, as well as challenging asset protection devices in sham trusts and lifting the corporate veil, and explains sanctions for non-compliance or contempt. Practical guidance on important procedural elements in areas such as injunctions and disclosure is also provided.
The new edition considers the impact of the Rome I and Rome II Regulations governing contractual and non-contractual obligations concerning choice of law issues. It also examines all relevant new case law such as Sinclair v Versailles concerning the impact on the right to obtain a proprietary claim in respect of a break of fiduciary duty.
Covering all aspects of international commercial fraud litigation, this book is an essential reference for all practitioners and scholars interested in fraud, unjust enrichment, private international law and tracing.
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